angel games for kids.

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549 회 플레이됨

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AATouchGun : Click on the approaching bomber to shoot it down.

You should shoot down airplanes by clicking or touching them. Fortunately these airplanes are old and don’t have any guns or bombs, so they have to crush themselves to your island to hit you! And it gives you more time to shoot them down! You should shoot down airplanes by touching them. Note that big airplanes have more health and you have to shot them more than once!

비행기를 클릭하거나 터치하여 격추시켜야 합니다. 다행히도 이 비행기는 낡았고 총이나 폭탄이 없기 때문에 당신을 공격하기 위해 당신의 섬에 스스로 충돌해야 합니다! 그리고 적을 격추할 시간을 더 많이 줍니다! 비행기를 터치하여 격추시켜야 합니다. 큰 비행기는 더 많은 체력을 가지고 있으므로 한 번 이상 쏴야 합니다!

AATouchGun : Click on the approaching bomber to shoot it down.




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