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Aqua Challenge

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Aqua Challenge : Avoid falling prey to other larger fish

You are a small fish in a huge ocean and you have to try very hard to survive! There are many bigger fish out there and strangely, all of them want to eat you! So you have to dodge all other fishes in order to survive! You will lose if another fish eats you (touches you). Your score is based on how many seconds you were able to survive.

당신은 거대한 바다에 사는 작은 물고기이고 살아남기 위해 열심히 노력해야 합니다! 거기에는 더 큰 물고기가 많이 있고 이상하게도 모두 당신을 먹고 싶어합니다! 따라서 생존하려면 다른 모든 물고기를 피해야 합니다! 다른 물고기가 당신을 잡아먹으면 패배합니다. 점수는 생존할 수 있었던 시간(초)에 따라 결정됩니다.

Aqua Challenge : Avoid falling prey to other larger fish

You are a small fish in a huge ocean and you have to try very hard to survive! There are many bigger fish out there and strangely, all of them want to eat you! So you have to dodge all other fishes in order to survive! You will lose if another fish eats you (touches you). Your score is based on how many seconds you were able to survive.

당신은 거대한 바다에 사는 작은 물고기이고 살아남기 위해 열심히 노력해야 합니다! 거기에는 더 큰 물고기가 많이 있고 이상하게도 모두 당신을 먹고 싶어합니다! 따라서 생존하려면 다른 모든 물고기를 피해야 합니다! 다른 물고기가 당신을 잡아먹으면 패배합니다. 점수는 생존할 수 있었던 시간(초)에 따라 결정됩니다.


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